Saturday, January 23, 2016

Ron'Salon bids you welcome. Make yourself comfortable

Glad you could drop by. This is a 21st century salon (Google it). Its purpose is not much different from those created two centuries ago. It is about the culture du jure. Everyone is invited to express themselves on the broad topic of culture with a small "c" and, those slightly narrowed subsets, the arts (the language of culture), discussing performing, visual and language arts, with a slight bias toward humor, is appreciated. Non abusive political comments related to the subject are welcome, within the context of culture, sans partisan talking points harvested from others. Project yourself into your favorite comfy spot, with you preferred beverage, bait your hook with questions you have been asking yourself or comment on others, make your cast and join the conversation. If you are a painter, all the better. Let the fun begin.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a comment to prime your pump. I am a painter, mostly in oil but with some work in acrylics. I experiment a lot, especially in the manner of the Impressionists.
    I still ask, "is this art?" Does it matter what others think of what I do? Why? Do I do it for them or for me?
